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Media Application

Thank you for your interest in applying to become a member of the media program!

We have some requirements potential applicants should look to meet:

  • For content creators who primarily upload videos:
    • 1,000 subscribers
    • 300 average views per video
  • For content creators who primarily livestream:
    • 15 average viewers
  • Content already created on FrequencyMC
  • Additionally, you must upload content that adheres to the Server Rules

Exceptions to stats requirements may be made for applicants that show community involvement and consistent uploading content related to FrequencyMC.

Due to the high volume of applications we receive, we are not able to provide a response to all applicants. If we decide to move forward with you as a candidate, we will reach out to you through the contact information provided.

Do not ask staff about the status of your application, doing so will result in your application being instantly denied.
  • Long-form videos (i.e. YouTube, non-shorts)
  • Short-form videos (i.e. TikTok, YouTube Shorts)
  • Live Streaming